How To Create and Edit Smart Lists

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Smart Lists are a fantastic way to keep your contacts organized and up-to-date in your CRM. They're easy to use and incredibly versatile, allowing you to sort and manage contacts with ease. Let’s break down how to use them in a straightforward, user-friendly manner.

Creating a Smart List:

Starting Off: Go to the 'Contacts' section in your AMPLY account, and select 'Smart Lists'.

Adding Filters: Click on ‘More Filters’. Here, you’ll find a variety of options to choose from, helping you narrow down your contacts.

Choosing Filters:

Variety at Your Fingertips: You can pick from basic filters like finding inactive contacts or more specific ones like tagging.

Easy Navigation: Filters are sorted neatly, making it simple to find what you need.

Setting a Filter: For example, if you’re using the "Created By Filter", just search for it, decide if you want 'is' or 'is not', and then pick a user.

Reviewing Your Filters:

See What You’ve Chosen: All your selected filters will be shown on the right side, so you can easily see what you’ve set up.

Add More If Needed: If you want to add more filters, just click “AND”.

Saving Your Smart List:

Finalize Your List: Once you're happy with your filters, click “Save as smart list”.

Now, your list is set up and ready to use!

Using Smart Lists in Your CRM:

Find Your Lists: In 'Contacts', your Smart Lists are clearly labeled. Click on any list to open it.

Change as Needed: You can edit or delete any Smart List easily. Just choose the list and adjust the filters.

Manage Smart Lists:

In the top right of the Contacts page, you can manage your lists - copy, share, rename, or delete.

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