Setting Up Your "My Profile"

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Settings: My Profile

The "My Profile" page is your hub for managing your personal information and preferences. Accessible from the left-hand menu under "Settings," the page is powered by our new micro app front-end architecture.

Embracing Internationalization

One of the standout features of this page is the introduction of internationalization support. Users around the world can now experience the "My Profile" page in their native language. Say goodbye to language barriers as you explore your personal data and settings with ease.

Navigating your Profile

Under the General Tab:

Personal Data: First and last name, email, phone, calendar, platform language, signature

Change Password: Edit your current password and update

User Availability: Edit your time zone, available days and hours and your meeting location

Integration: Here you can connect your Zoom account to send meeting links, and/or your Outlook and iCloud calendars to sync meetings.

Email (2-Way Sync): Connect your incoming and outgoing emails between the CRM and your personal email

Calendar Configuration: Add your primary calendar where your new events will be scheduled, and also add your Check For Conflicts calendar to avoid double bookings.

Tailoring Notifications to Your Needs

Under the Notifications Tab:

● Edit your conversation, task, Wordpress, Facebook and Google notifications. Select if you want to receive in App, Email or/and SMS notifications.

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