Lesson 5: Opportunities

Opportunities Overview

In this article, you will learn more about how the opportunity tab works, and what you can do. In here is where you can see all your opportunities (which are your leads), and see in which stage of your pipeline they are right now. You can also see their information by clicking on their opportunity card.

Part 1: Filtering Opportunities

You can filter your opportunities by: Owner, Status, Campaign Type, Last Stage Change, Created on, Updated on, Lead Value, Opportunity Won On, and Opportunity Lost On

You can search for opportunities

You can select a pipeline

You can Sort by Date Added in an ascending/descending option

You can select multiple filters by pipeline, owner, and campaign and toggle “AND” or “OR” relationships with them

With the menu dots, you can export and include additional information: Task, Note, Company Name, Calendar Event, Hide Tags, Hide Assigned To

Part 2: How to Add an Opportunity

Click on the "+ New" green button next to the filters to create your new opportunity.

Please Note: You can create a contact when you create an opportunity

Part 3: Exporting Opportunity Information and Additional Info

Click on the menu dots and then the Export option to download the opportunity information. This will automatically download a CSV file taking into consideration the filters that you selected and additional info that you want to include.

This feature will remember what you have previously selected. You can also filter by task, calendar event, note, company name, you can hide the tags, or hide to which owner they belong.

Part 4: Inside an Opportunity Card

This information will contain:

Their contact information: Name, email, phone, tags, and company name.

The opportunity information: Pipeline, the stage, their status, the lead value, the owner of this opportunity, and the source.

You can also see information on when was the opportunity created, and from where was it created.

Checkbox for hiding empty fields

Book/Update Appointments



Add/Manage Opportunity custom fields

One of the powerful capabilities of our opportunities management system is the ability to create and add custom fields for opportunities. This feature empowers you to capture and organize additional information that is tailored to your unique business needs.

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