​How To Get an Outbound Phone Number

Knowledge Base Hub > Getting Started on AMPLY > ​How To Get an Outbound Phone Number

No Available Phone Number in Your Country?

If you encounter a situation where no phone numbers are available for purchase in your country, follow these steps to acquire a phone number and connect it to your AMPLY account.

Step 1: Sign Up for a Twilio Account (If You Don't Have One)

● Go to the Twilio website.

● Click on Sign Up at the top right corner.

● Fill in your details and follow the prompts to create your account.

● Verify your email address and phone number as part of the account setup process.

Step 2: Sign In to Your Twilio Account

● Once you have created your account, click on Sign In at the top right corner.

● Enter your credentials to log into your Twilio account.

Step 3: Purchase a Phone Number

● Once logged in, navigate to the Phone Numbers section in the left-hand menu.

● Click on Buy a Number.

● Use the search filters to find a number that suits your needs (e.g., area code, country).

● Click on Buy next to the number you want.

● Confirm your purchase.

● Select your phone number

● Click on Proceed to Buy

Step 4: Note Your Twilio Account SID and Auth Token

● In your Twilio dashboard, go to the Account section.

● Note down your Account SID and Auth Token. You will need these to connect your Twilio account to AMPLY.

Step 5: Contact Us to Connect Your Twilio Account to AMPLY

● Once you have your Twilio phone number and account details, reach out to our support team to integrate your Twilio account with AMPLY.

● Provide the following information in your message:

● Your Twilio Account SID

Your Twilio Auth Token

The Twilio phone number you purchased

You can contact us via [email protected] or or through our support portal on the left-hand side of your dashboard.

Our team will assist you in connecting your Twilio account to AMPLY, ensuring everything is set up correctly for you to start using your new phone number.

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