Pop-up Forms

This article provides a comprehensive guide to the Pop-up Forms feature, offering a range of valuable elements for triggering, activating, and deactivating pop-up forms. Discover the various types of embeds and enhance your website's engagement. Follow along to learn more about maximizing the effectiveness of your pop-up forms.

Step 1: Locate the Form

Navigate to Sites > Forms > Builder and create a form as desired

View the new features by clicking on Integrate Form

Step 2: Integrate Form

Upon accessing the Form Builder, click on "Integrate Form" to explore a plethora of new features designed to elevate your pop-up forms' effectiveness. Here, you can choose from four types of forms and customize their triggers, activation, and deactivation options according to your preferences.

Select Form Type: Choose from four distinct types of forms tailored to different user interactions.

Trigger Selection: Determine the trigger type based on user behavior, such as scrolling percentage, timeframe, or constant display.

Activation and Deactivation: Customize activation and deactivation preferences. Choose how the form reappears after closing, either after a specific number of visits or continuously. Control the frequency of form display based on user interactions.

Embedding: Copy the form link for the inline version or retrieve the embed code to make use of other layouts and click done. You can choose from a variety of layouts, each designed for specific user experiences.

Select the Copy Embed Code

Go to the funnel or website page editor where you want this pop-up to be, and add a Code element (also known as Custom HTML/Javascript element)

Open the code editor, paste the code and save.

Embed Layout Overview

The revamped Form Builder introduces various embed layouts to suit diverse user requirements:

Sticky sidebar: Will appear on the side of the screen and can be minimized to a tab that sticks to the side of your choice

Polite slide-in: Appears on the bottom side of the screen and disappears once closed and can also be minimized to a tab

Popup: A pop-up shows the form as an overlay inside a lightbox. It cannot be minimized but closed.

Inline: Appears along with the page's content as a native element. It does not overlay and cannot be closed or minimized.

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