Setting Up Your Business Profile

Knowledge Base Hub > Getting Started on AMPLY > Setting Up Your Business Profile

Settings: Business Profile

Your “Business Profile” is the section where you can input your specific business information. This includes things like your company name, address, phone number, website, company logo, and any other information about your business.

Part 1: Accessing and Updating General Settings

One of the standout features of this page is the introduction of internationalization support. Users around the world can now experience the "My Profile" page in their native language. Say goodbye to language barriers as you explore your personal data and settings with ease.

● Navigate to Settings > Business Profile> General Information

● Fill out the relevant information

● Click “Update Information” once complete

Part 2: Business Physical Address

● Fill out your business address, timezone, and language here.

Note: Timezone is extremely important, as it determines the timezone for the system.

● Select “Update” once complete.

Part 3: Authorized Representative

● This is where you will fill in information if you have a specifically authorized representative on the account.

Part 4: Business Information

● This is where you will fill in your general business information.

Part 5: Call and Voicemail Settings

● This is where you will set up your system voicemail for first-time callers unless further customized in the phone section and staff area.

Part 6: General Settings

● This section is where you will determine default system behavior, such as if duplicate contacts or opportunities are allowed or if the contacts' email is verified before sending them an email.

Note: The default will typically be to have the majority of these settings off, which is recommended.

Part 7: Contact Deduplication Preferences and Deprecated Features

● Here you can adjust the way that contacts are de-duplicated or enable duplicates. You are also able to enable or disable deprecated features from the past that have been upgraded to newer features.

Part 7: Contact Deduplication Preferences and Deprecated Features

● Here you can enable or disable missed call text back, as well as customize the text message sent when that occurs.

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